The City of Miramichi’s Department of Economic Development and Tourism has developed a robust strategy for growth. This strategy was developed through public engagement as well as research and analysis. From this strategy, six broad goals have been identified for development over the next five years:
The City of Miramichi is committed to growth
People attraction and housing development
Grow the population to meet the workforce replacement demand and support growing industries. Ensure that there is sufficient and appropriate housing to support population growth.
A sustainable economic development and tourism ecosystem
Establish a coordinated effort of public, private, and nonprofit partners in areas of common interest to grow the regional economy.
Sector development
Build on the Miramichi region’s strengths in agriculture and natural resource processing, construction, administration, regional services, and tourism.
Capitalizing on the Miramichi River
Explore, develop, and attract opportunities on and around the Miramichi River, leveraging its role as a hub of recreation, tourism, and economic activity for the region.
Strategic tourism product development and experience development
Ensure that businesses have the resources to grow Miramichi’s tourism products and experiences and attract the right target markets.
Market differentiation
Ensure that Miramichi is investment-ready. Identify and promote Miramichi’s unique value proposition for business, residents, and visitors.
The City of Miramichi's major projects

Miramichi Wellness Multiplex
The proposed new Miramichi Wellness Multiplex will have a variety of facilities.
- area to be used for minor hockey, public skates, and private rentals.
- aquatic facility for fitness programs, public swims, drop-in programs, swimming lessons, and private rentals.
- a multipurpose space to be used for community meetings and programs, as well as private rentals.
- gymnasium space for community group use, department programs, and rental opportunities.
- additional facilities include a walk/jogging track, food service space, and possible office space.
Miramichi's municipal plan

A 10-year plan
My Miramichi
The plan serves as Council’s comprehensive policy document for managing growth and development within the city over the 10-year planning period representing 2020 through 2030.
Key themes guiding development to 2030:
- rural city, urban assets;
- active transportation;
- housing diversity and affordability;
- downtown revitalization; and,
- climate change and environmental stewardship.
Downtown Strategic Planing

Parking Study
The City of Miramichi’s 2019 Downtown Master Plan identified many progressive recommendations related to parking specific to each of the Downtowns. The Downtown Master Plan study also included a bold recommendation regarding a future role for the City in the governance of parking in its role of supporting business and development. The study recommended that three additional follow-up studies be undertaken, one of which was referred to as a Parking Strategy.