Our new Economic Development website is now « live »...
Miramichi Economic Development - Open for new ideas, opportunities and people. Your future starts in Miramichi!
www.investinmiramichi.caThe first edition of our departmental news letter; took me. a while to compile it but hopefully the information will be useful. Have a peek.... https://www.miramichi.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/EcDev-News-Issue-1.pdf
Miramichi promoted as ideal cannabis operation destination
Sensii is one of two cannabis companies under development in Miramichi.
tj.newsWouldn’t it be interesting to use this in a tourism realm #tourism #Miramichi #experiencethemaxx
La compétition de voix au gala des Jeux de l’Acadie....les juges sont prêt. The vocal competition at the Gala of les Jeux de l’Acadie.... the judges are ready!
Hospice fundraiser at Capers tonight ......
Sponsorship success is based on listening and targeting pitch to the sponsors needs ....#partnershipgrp #Miramichimultiplex
Day 2 sponsoring workshop... a new and better way to achieve sponsorship goals #partnershipgrp #MiramichiMultiplex
Valuation of sponsorship inventory is a real eye opener.... #partnershipgrp #Miramichimultiplex
VIK......just learned a new approach....everything not as it seems in sponsorships #partnershipgrp #Miramichimultiplex
Sponsorship workshop...municipalities are the fastest growing sector of sponsorships in Canada #partnershipgrp #Miramichimultiplex
Finishing a hectic week at the University of Waterloo's Economic Development course...looking forward to getting home from Thunder Bay!
At the Moncton Boat and Outdoor Show promoting this year's Miramichi Striper Cup
#HospiceMiramichi tour with @VictorBoudreau #Miramichi
It's official Miramichi 2018!!!!!!!!
Waiting for the announcement of the successful community for the Jeux de l'Acadie 2018
A shot of our booth at the Quebec show promoting l'Odyssée du Nord!