City of Miramichi Incentive Programs

January 22, 2021

Into the year 2030, Miramichi will continue building its economy, quality of life, and identity as a progressive, inclusive, prosperous, safe, active, and healthy community.

The Department of Economic Development & Tourism administers various incentive and grant programs in the City of Miramichi. Some of these programs were the result of existing, long term initiatives of council, while others were created by the Department at the request of council to address specific gaps in the marketing toolkit for the City.

The programs include community-based initiatives as well as business development incentives that together contribute to the building and sustainability of the City.

The following community focused programs are currently managed by the Department. While some programs have a continuous intake application process, all programs are subject to the availability of funding as approved by City Council:

  • Festival & Events Grants
  • Grants to community Partner organizations (Closed application process)
  • Reactionary Situation Programs (ex. COVID-19 Mitigation Grant)
  • Other grant programs at the request of council

In addition, the Department has the following development-oriented grant and incentives programs that can assist businesses or developers to reach their goals:

  • Economic Development Incentive Grant
  • Tourism Economic Development (TED) Fund Grant
  • Façade Improvement Program
  • Downtown Housing Incentive Program
  • Industrial Park Land Acquisition Program

Information on all these programs can be found here.

Did you know? 

Canada Mortgage & Housing 

The Government of Canada, through CMHC, works with its provincial and territorial partners by providing funding to reduce the number of Canadians in need by improving access to affordable, sound and suitable housing under the Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) Program.

If you are a developer looking at investing in affordable housing projects in Miramichi, contact the Department of Economic Development & Tourism and we can assist you by providing their program contact information.
